Saturday, January 18, 2020

Time to Say Goodbye

ED638 has truly been an exhilarating class. It was nice to know more abut using the Internet in the classroom and revisiting some resources I forgot about. I am looking forward to implementing what I learned into my classroom as well as sharing the ideas with my colleagues. I appreciate all the website reviews from my classmates. Thank you Dr. Rivera for your patience and guidance. It is time to say goodbye for now, but we will see each other again soon.

Signing out,
R. Doculan

1 comment:

  1. Hafa Adai Ron,

    You’re most welcome! Thank you for a wonderful intersession. There’s no doubt that I will miss all of you, but I’m confident that you will use the strategies, skills, and technology resources that you’ve gained to empower your students. Good luck!

    Best regards,
    Dr. Rivera
