Wednesday, January 8, 2020

Effective Literacy Website #4

Into the Book can be accessed using this website  This tool is a multimedia package designed to aide elementary students and teachers in reading comprehension.  It focuses on eight research based strategies:  Using Prior Knowledge, Making Connections, Questioning, Visualizing, Inferring, Summarizing, Evaluating and Synthesizing.  It includes online interactive activities that can engage students in the mentioned skills.  Into the Book was developed by PBS Wisconsin Education with the Wisconsin Department of Public Instruction and a team of experienced educators.
The homepage contains a student website, a teacher website and a professional learning website.  The student website includes a number of activities for each of the targeted eight strategies.  For the Activating Prior Knowledge strategy there is a teaching guide, video and an interactive activity to do.  There are also posters and songs for the other strategies.  The teacher’s website contains free resources such as lesson plans and printable activities.  I especially like the PDF document to activate prior knowledge using your five senses chart.  It is a chart that can help readers activate their knowledge before reading a text.  The professional learning website offers a professional development plan that can assist educators with student learning outcomes in reading comprehension.  All of these websites provide additional sites to locate other tools and resources to develop reading comprehension skills. 
The homepage also offers a tab for Standards.  These Standards integrate activities for Foundational Skills, Literature, Informational Text, Writing, Language, Speaking and Listening.  The Foundational Skills provide activities in Phonics, Word Recognition and Fluency.  Literature and Informational Text offers Key ideas and Details, Craft and Structure, Integration of Knowledge and Ideas, and Range of Reading and Level of Text Complexity.  Writing provides activities in Production and Distribution of Writing and Research to Build and Present Knowledge.  The Standard for Language provides Conventions of Standard English, and Vocabulary Acquisition and Use.  Listening and Speaking Standard activities include Comprehension and Collaboration.
Into the Book is a resourceful tool that can help teachers support their lessons with strategies to develop reading comprehension skills.  It provides a variety of strategies and activities to address skills necessary for reading comprehension.  I find all the information and resources effective for learners to think and learn across the curriculum.

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