Wednesday, January 15, 2020

Effective Literacy Website #6: Teaching Made Practical | R. Doculan

Source: Retrieved from

Website: Teaching Made Practical
            Teaching Made Practical is a website that stays true to its name. As stated on the website, users may find ‘practical resources for busy teachers.’ Kalena Baker is the sole individual who founded She was a former third grade teacher at a school with high poverty rates in Kansas. Unfortunately, after teaching for about six and a half years, Baker needed to relocate to South Carolina. Since her move occurred in the middle of the school year, Baker did not want to begin working again at a new school halfway through the year. As a result, she decided to work as a fulltime Teachers Pay Teachers content creator. Hence, from there, Teaching Made Practical was established.
            On this website, Baker provides a variety of resources users may use for free. She stands by the idea that her resources are ‘practical’ and are effective resources for the classroom. Teaching Made Practical offers resources for reading and math, in which are aligned to Common Core State Standards. In addition, there are also activities for better classroom management. As mentioned earlier, several of the resources are available for free. However, a majority of the resources require a membership account prior for users to be able to download.
            Under the Reading tab, users may find resources for topics ranging from Main Idea, Theme, Point of View, Figurative Language, and Parts of Speech, to name a few. Additionally, several reusable activities and printouts are available, such as task cards and graphic organizers. Within the Math section, users may find resources for Fractions, Probability, Rounding, and so much more. Some resources for Classroom Management include activities for morning routines, dismissal, and suggestions for partnering students for collaborative activities.
            Teachers could benefit from these resources especially since they are designed for making teaching practical. There are several topics within this website that deals with the promotion of literacy. In addition to reading topics mentioned previously, Teaching Made Practical also offers resources for Character Traits, Compare and Contrast, Cause and Effect, and Genre. One thing I appreciate about the resources provided is that they are very neat and appealing. Once again, this website is the homepage of a Teachers Pay Teachers content provider. As a result, several of the resources require a membership in order for users to download and access. Fortunately however, there are some resources that are offered for free.

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