Friday, January 10, 2020

The Story of Storybird - Effective Literacy Website Review #6

            If you ever tried to write a story, you may know that it is not always easy to put your ideas into words. This is especially true for young writers. Storybird is a web-based literacy program that can help writers of all ages to create digital stories and publish them for all to enjoy. Storybird builds a community of story tellers that uses visual imagery to present text. Its published collection of stories is written and created by members of Storybird.
            What makes Storybird a good tool for education is that it offers supports in helping students build their writing skills. In fact, there are actual courses and challenges that can be accessed for various ability levels. These courses are aligned to teaching standards and include worksheets, resources, and quizzes that are meant to supplement learning. Global artists help to provide Storybird with unique illustrations that can be used for original stories. There is a collection of already published stories that students can view and read as assignments. Educators can also manage students to build their own writing curriculum. Work can be printed for evaluation and showcasing. In addition, using Storybird to create stories allows students to build technology skills in this digital age of learning.
            There are other great things about Storybird. The web program does not just limit writing to only picture books, but also expands creativity to poems, comics, and chapter books. There are even supports for video games, fantasy work, and graphic novels. If you want to publish your story, there is a team of professionals who review your work and provide feedback and editing support to ensure that it is ready for publishing. How-to guides are included to help writers get started on writing tasks.
            Overall, Storybird seems to be an effective tool that builds confidence in writers and improves literacy skills. It must be if it is being used in over 600,000 classrooms all over the world. It works with any device and there is a free trial available. However, teachers and students will need to have a paid membership after the short trial to continue using the program. There are school district plans available as well. It is definitely worthwhile to take advantage of the free trial and explore what Storybird offers for our developing writers!

Watch to learn more!

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