Thursday, January 16, 2020

IRA Newsletter Weekly Project: Effective Literacy Website #6

IRA Effective Literacy Website #6

PBS Kids

 Dona Miles

PBS Reading Games Homepage

For my 6th Literacy Exploration, I will be reviewing a website called PBS Kids (  I will be specifically focusing on the online literacy games that are included in PBS Kids. This website is very user friendly and easy for kids to navigate around. The games are more geared towards younger grade levels.The games are aligned with popular shows that children are already familiar with and can easily connect with the characters. This will help the students be more engaged and excited to play the games.  

Variety of Games

The games are all listed for easy viewing and shows the title and a picture of the game cover. Once the student clicks on the game of their choice, it will lead them to the game's homepage. There is a "play" button that they can click on that will start the game. Once they are done with the game, there is a "home" tab above that will lead them back to the homepage. The games are very fun and interactive while still reinforcing literacy skills. These games really help to build early literacy foundation skills in young children.
The games are very fun and interactive while still reinforcing literacy skills. These games really help to build early literacy foundation skills.
Some of the literacy skills that are incorporated into the games include read alongs, spelling, rhyming, and putting letters together to create words.

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