Tuesday, January 14, 2020

Effective Literacy Website Review #5

Diopulos Diopulos
ED 638-40
Dr. M. Rivera
Effective Literacy Website Review #5

The ReadWork organization (www.readworks.org) is a nonprofit organization that offers teachers from K-12 graders with the highest and largest library for nonfiction and literary articles, reading comprehension and vocabulary support, assessments, teacher guidance, and more in the United States. ReadWorks activities and resources are based on proven cognitive research but not on unproven academic theories.
ReadWorks is free and its main focus is to teach teacher what to teach and how to teach it, whether if its online, for free, or to be shared.  ReadWorks focuses on 6 ways to improve student reading comprehension, 1. Students read a lot of high quality and authentic texts, 2. Student engage with questions that scaffold the to deeper comprehension, 3. Students thoroughly build background knowledge through reading, 4. Teachers differentiate instructions among different learners, 5. Students read based on interest, and 6. Teachers clearly teach key core vocabulary.
Readworks provide three approaches to teaching contents. Students can learn through digital classes or online classes, or through printed texts and handouts, or through smart board projection. It is a web-based program that works easily to all different types of devices. There are tons of reading passages designed for K-12th graders and each reading passages is supported with additional resources. There are also paired text, reading passages that share the same topic or theme, to help students with more knowledge, vocabulary, patterns, compare or contrast, and be able to make connections between texts/passages. There is also a Article –A-Day weekly sets that are based on more than 6 passages that are related to each other. Students use these passages to do a research based that improves comprehension, background knowledge, vocabulary, and stamina. Other interesting content or program from this organization is that it does actually provide the right teaching content for your students.

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