Tuesday, January 14, 2020

CASTANETO, Effective Literacy Site #7

For my final effective literacy site review, I have chosen Teach Your Monster to Read (https://www.teachyourmonstertoread.com). Right off the bat, the home page of this site is very inviting. It features cute and colorful little monsters that encourage users to play in their online game. This site is built to cater to children who are in the first stages of reading or for children who are a little older who may need more practice to sharpen their literacy skills. 
This game offers three levels of difficulty. The first level is the “Teach Your Monster to Read: First Steps”. In this beginner’s game children practice phonetics and blending. This level is most commonly played by children in Pre-Kindergarten. The second game is a little more difficult. This game “Teach Your Monster to Read 2: Fun with Words” is for children who are very confident in letters, sounds, and are ready to move on to the more difficult task of reading small words. This game lasts fourteen weeks and is also most commonly used in Pre-Kindergarten. The last game featured has more difficulty and is commonly used by Kindergarten children. This game is called “Teach your Monster to Read 3: Champion Reader” and is scheduled to last 22 weeks. In the highest level of game difficulty students practice reading short sentences, drawing meaning, elicit comprehension, and also provides an opportunity for extra practice of phonetically difficult words. All three games are free if being played on the computer!
Overall, I think this is a great site and game for early elementary teachers and parents to have access to. It emphasizes practice on the very basic parts of reading, which we have learned in class attribute to future reading and writing success. This game is fun and engaging all the while motivating the child to read. I would definitely recommend this site to others. 

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