Monday, January 6, 2020

Learning with Lalilo! - Effective Literacy Website Review #5

             Lalilo is a phonics and comprehension program geared towards kindergarten through second grade students. It is web-based and can be accessed on computers and tablets. It is absolutely free for teachers to use in their classrooms. Lalilo provides engaging literacy learning activities through its website. Teachers are able to track student data and also provide home access for parents.
            Although there are many online reading programs to choose from, Lalilo does a great job in presenting literacy activities in a fun and innovative new way. Students begin their learning journey with an adventure, moving through different worlds. Through interactive activities and games, students practice skills in phonics, word recognition, and comprehension. Students earn badges for every skill they show mastery or improvement in. These skills are also broken down into specific components such as consonants, vowels, and reading levels. Badges are used to unlock stories about nature and animals, which supports learning. Another amazing feature is that students can actually read aloud and record themselves to evaluate their own learning. Lalilo’s voice recognition software can identify errors and send a running record to teachers. In addition, there is an automatic placement test that students complete. From there, the activities are differentiated for each student, which helps build student confidence and allow for learning progressions. The graphics and visuals are motivating and engaging, increasing student attention and interest.
            The Lalilo website includes other helpful links to explore. There is a link to access professional development resources that can be used by teachers to share information with colleagues about using Lalilo in the classroom. A scope and sequence of skills for grades K-2 is also available. Teachers are able to print out reports for parents to view, as well for data collection. There is even an option to see the website in student view.
            When reviewing this website, I liked it so much that I decided to try it out with my own students in the upcoming weeks. I feel that Lalilo can provide new and engaging activities that will support literacy learning in my classroom. You may want to give it a try too!

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