Thursday, January 16, 2020


Teaching with the Internet helped me maneuver around using technology and the internet more effectively in my current and future classrooms. I did research on many different literacy websites, and I found a few that I had not heard of before and would like to begin using for my students. A particular website I am looking forward to using Poetry4Kids, because I will be beginning a poetry unit shortly with my students. I believe they will particularly enjoy using the rhyming dictionary on this literacy website. I also learned how to create an online course, which I created using a platform called Talentlms. This is was interesting because it was similar to writing a lesson plan, but it had to be detailed enough that students could follow without assistance. In this course, I learned more about three technology tools: TeacherTube, SlideShare, and Diigo. I am most interested in using TeacherTube in my classroom, but I can see how SlideShare and Diigo would also be useful. The GeoNarrative lesson was my favorite activity in this course. I had experience with Google Earth before, but was unaware of the many additional features besides going to any location and “walking” around! I will definitely be using the lesson plan I created with my class.

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