Friday, January 17, 2020

IRA Newsletter Weekly Project: Effective Literacy Website #5


Dona Miles

For the fifth Effective Literacy Website Exploration, I will be discussing a website called ABCya ( ABCya is a website that provides a variety of online educational games for students. The homepage is easy to navigate and students are able to click on their grade level to access games for their educational level. The website offers games from Pre-K to 6th grade+ which can fit a wide range of students of all ages. This website does not have a specific subject it is geared towards, instead it provides games for multiple subject categories. 
For Educators, there is a tab labeled, "Common Core Standards" where teachers can search games by specific standards. This is helpful for easy lesson planning and allows teachers to find games geared towards what the students are currently learning. There is also a tab for Teachers and Parents that includes blog entries on various topics including, "5 Tips that Will Make Homework More Fun" and so forth.
The website makes playing games very simple and easy for students to play. Once a student clicks on the game of their interest, it leads them to the game's page. There is a brief description of the game and an option to add the game to their favorites. There is a simple "Play" button that the student can click on which will start the game. 

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