Wednesday, January 1, 2020

EPIC! is Epic! - Effective Literacy Website Review #3

EPIC! is Definitely Epic!
            If you are looking for a reading website that you can use for classroom instruction and assessment, EPIC! is a great website to explore. The site is meant to allow student access to a library of electronic books and teacher access to individual reading progress. At first glance, EPIC!’s bright and engaging layout gives visitors a visually appealing experience. Its simple layout makes it very easy to navigate and explore the variety of children’s books available for use. In addition, it is absolutely free for educators and librarians!
            EPIC! includes fiction and nonfiction books geared toward pre-kindergarten – middle school students. Most books are read-alone, but there are also read-aloud books that can help support fluency and accuracy. The great thing about the books is that you can choose the books based on grade level, reading level, and subject area. Many of the books include a comprehension quiz that students can complete after reading the book. Educators have the option to create new quizzes for books too. Along with books to read, students can also watch video content that supports learning. Audiobooks are available for listening as well.
            The most favorite thing I love about EPIC! is that you can add students to your teacher account and assign any of the resources available to specific students or classroom. I have been using EPIC! consistently this school year and my students and I love what it offers in terms of reading engagement and learning. As a supplement to classroom instruction, I often assign a book that aligns to student learning. We have discussions about what new things they have learned, and then I include supporting activities. I can also view quiz scores to monitor comprehension skills. Teachers can enable home access for students so parents can get involved with their children’s reading progress.
            There are so many different ways you can use EPIC! in your classroom. You can conduct classroom read-alouds. Research projects can be initiated using nonfiction titles on the website. Students can create their own favorite books and share the reasons for their choices. Writing activities can be initiated based on the books they read, such as book reviews and summaries. Plus, you can conduct experiments using STEM ideas from the books. These are just a few of the many other activities using the website that can support literacy learning.
            I definitely recommend using EPIC! either as a parent or educator to build reading interest and literacy skills. The books are engaging and informational, giving readers a valuable learning experience. EPIC! is indeed epic!

Watch the introductory video!

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