Saturday, January 18, 2020

Personal Technology Blog for Topic 3 (Internet Tools/Resources)

Internet Tools/Resources

These are the three Internet Tools or Resources that I am going to share about how effective they are in Education.

First, Google Docs is a very effective software that most teachers and students rely on today for writing, presentations, and doing research. There are various ways that Google Docs can show great effect in regards to learning. First, it embed PowerPoint, Word, Excel, PDF, Sheets and many more. It is an easy access at any time. The best part which I believe is the most effective part as a teacher is it is a real time collaboration editing. It is easier and faster when we have several people editing a document at the same time in Google Docs. And for this to happen, people need to have a Google account.

Teacher tube is a website for Video sharing. It is basically design for teachers to share and exchange their educational resources with each other. These website is a mixture of classroom teaching resources and teacher training. The best part of this Teacher tube website is it is a visual learning resources. Some teachers are like students who learn best when they actually see it in live rather learning through reading or listening. There are so many great strategies that teachers share on this website. I recommend this website to new teachers with no teaching experience to use as one of their teaching resources.

Moodle is a free learning Management System that is used to create private websites with online courses for educators. Moodle is a effective resources in Education because it enables you host, manage, and track your e-learning courses. This software application can be customized according to our needs. Moodle supports a wide variety of social learning tools. Users can collaborate using blogs, discussion forums, podcasts and email communication.

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