Wednesday, January 15, 2020

Taylor Sehpin


Dr. Rivera

Effective Literacy Review #6

NSW Centre for Effective Reading logo      NSW Centre for Effective Reading

                NSW Centre for Effective Reading is another website in which literacy teachers need to go to in order to find materials for struggling literacy students.  It provides you a model in which students who demonstrate low progress following evidence-based classroom teaching will receive additional support.  On the navigation tool, you will find About, Assessment, Intervention, professional Learning, Websites, etc.  Under each of these, there is much important information given. 

            About us, It provides us information about teaching reading and supporting students with complex reading difficulties.  You can also find direct support for rural and remote primary school-aged students with complex reading difficulties and their teachers.

            For the Assessment part, you will find three kinds of services that the results of the assessment on this website give out.  The first one is Universal indirect service.  This service will provide information on how to assess and teach the criteria skills of reading and gives you definitions and descriptions of the research into teaching students with complex reading difficulties in your classroom.  The second one you will find is the Targeted direct services.  You can find these services available to students attending schools outside the metropolitan zone of Newcastle, Sidney, Wollongong and Tweed Head.  The third service you can find on this site is the Intensive direct service. You can access online to current evidence-based practices with which to support their students with complex reading difficulties.  There is much more information you can get under assessment.

            For Intervention, you will find teacher resources. With the resources, you will encounter assessment processes and teaching strategies that support all students, especially those with reading difficulties.  These resources are mostly on phonics guides, cognitive difficulties, and Transition.

            For the professional Learning button, you will find these subtopics, Middle Years, DoE Online learning courses, evidence-based practice, and early years.  Middle years students bridge the Primary and Secondary years spanning from upper Primary, Year 5, to Junior Secondary, Year 9.  The NSW Department of Education provides a suite of online professional development courses licensed through Online Training Australia for teachers in NSW public schools.  Evidence-based practice is that which is based on research evidence of effectiveness. Empirical research identifies 5 big ideas in teaching reading in the early years.  They are phonemic awareness, phonics, vocabulary, fluency, and comprehension.

            Other important Websites are also given on this site to provide you the additional information that will enhance students learning.  Websites provided on this page also provide a wide range of downloadable material that teachers, executives, and parents may find helpful. Each of the websites are committed to providing resources that reflect scientific research in the areas of beginning reading instruction and reading support for students with reading difficulties.

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