Friday, December 27, 2019

Website Review #1

Diopulos Diopulos
ED 638-40 FAIF19
Dr. M. Rivera
IRA Newsletter Weekly Project: Effective Literarcy Website #1

Reading is Fundamental ( is a site committed to literate America by providing and inspiring children of all ages to be passionate toward reading. This is of course a non -profit literacyeducational website ( that ensures that all children have the ability to read and succeed.
RIF has made it literacy surveys from state to state capturing the children’s literacy across America. With surveys, data collection has shown the crises created by poor literacy every community across America. RIF has made it possible to reach out to these communities by providing new books, developing thousands of free digital resources for teachers, parents, and children,  empowers individuals and communities to change and create literacy culture, and creating partnership with corporate, community and government organization.
RIF is an award-winning digital library hosts 10,000 resources directly tied to the books teachers, parents, and community partners turn to everyday. RIF has modules and assessments for teachers, parents, and volunteers to educate and to track student’s reading progress throughout the year and help students with right books for literacy development.  The literacy tracker enables parents to use the Words Read Correctly Per Minute Score and challenging words indicated by students so parents and educators can monitor student’s progress overtime.
One of the newest features for RIF is the newly launched Mobile Apps. These apps are organized in a way to motivate and inspire students  by offering an easier way to access, track, and share books.

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