Thursday, December 26, 2019

Read. Write. Think. Effective Literacy Review #1 by Jia

ReadWriteThink is an awesome online website that offers FREE resources for K-12 educators.  The website is easy to navigate and is user friendly which allows you to find resources easily. Not only are the contents organized but the site is colorful and appealing to the eye. 

The Classroom Resources tab offers lesson plans, student interactives, mobile apps, calendar activities and printables.  The amount of resources offered on this website is endless!
An excellent feature about this website is that you can refine your lesson plan search by four categories: 
  1. Grade - The website offers lesson plans from Kindergarten to 12th grade.
  2. Lesson Plan Type - Choose from standard lessons, mini lessons, units or recurring lessons.
  3. Learning Objective - There is a wide variety to choose from such as phonological awareness to spelling and comprehension.
  4. Theme - Choose from any content area along with additional themes.
 The student interactives is my favorite feature on this website.  There is an abundant amount of interactive activities to engage your students with.  Some activities include graphic organizers, games, story books and so much more! You can easily browse all the activities or you can narrow down your search by categories.  The printables is just as AMAZING as the other sections. Under this section you can find resources such as K-W-L charts, Venn diagrams, exit slips and character maps. The Calendar Activities provides you with important events in literacy history, a variety of holiday related resources, author's birthdays and many things related to students. It definitely is not your average calendar. Want to incorporate technology in to your lesson? There is a section that shows you how to keep your students engaged with a mobile app! 

Another amazing feature is the videos tab. Here you can find "literacy in action" and watch videos that have either teachers teaching a literacy lesson and skill or see students engaged in a literacy activity.  Under the videos tab, you can also view presentations about formative reading assessments, strategies, using technology in the classroom and more.  As a teacher, I found this tab to be very beneficial especially the literacy in action videos.  I enjoyed watching the strategies in action and learning from them.

The website also has a parent and after school resource tab.  Here, parents and teachers can find additional resources such as games and tools, activities and projects, print outs, podcasts and tips and how to's.  You can find everything you need to help your child or student succeed.  The best part about it all is that every resource is free!

ReadWriteThink has so much to offer to educators and parents.  The free materials, lesson plans and helpful videos will definitely help every K-12 teacher if they are a first year teacher or if they have been teaching for years.  The website's material is quality and effective.  As a teacher, I appreciate all it has to offer! is funded by the Verizon Foundation and is partnered with the International Literacy Association and NCTE (National Council of Teachers of English).

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