Thursday, December 26, 2019

ReadWriteThink: Effective Literacy Website #1

Readwritethink   International



This is the website I currently picked, It is free and has many classroom resources for teachers and students. The resources are designed for k-12 grades. There are some resources for student interactive activities on this website. It uses the Printing Press activity to help students learn how to create newspapers, brochures, and flyers. It also uses an activity called Trading Cards Creator. This tool gives students an alternative way to demonstrate their literacy knowledge in writing. These cards can also be used for practice reading and even doing other reading activities. Another interesting activity I found in this is the Acrostic Poem. It uses letters in a word to begin each line of the poem. These are some of the activities under classroom resources.

           On this website, there is also a place for professional development. So it is a good place for teachers.

           One thing I’m really interested in on these websites is the parent involvement and afterschool part. These are some of the ideas I am looking for so I can implement them at my school. I believe these extracurricular activities will benefit the students a lot.

           This site also has a section for community stories. This is a place where the community members can share their stories. This way the cultural practice is also spreading through literacy. Community members might be sharing legends and other cultural traits.

           In conclusion, this site is easy to explore resources and even printouts. There are videos that are about literacy in action, presentation, etc. I would recommend using this website for literacy activities for all grade levels where children will be getting many different resources for literacy enrichment.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Taylor,
    I like how your site provides parental and community involvement. Thank you for sharing!
