Saturday, December 28, 2019

CASTANETO, Effective Literacy Site #2

ReadWriteThink ( is a great website to enhance literacy. This particular site is designed with resources for all grade levels in mind. As a secondary teacher, this is very handy. I teach 6th grade and often get incoming students who can only read and write at the second or third grade level. I appreciate the wide array of resources because I do not have to sift through dozens of websites in order to find materials for students who are at different levels. 
Upon further inspection of this site there are four categories showcased to break down the user’s search. The four categories are classroom resources, professional development, parent & after school resources, and community stories. The classroom resources offer great materials for teachers to build their lesson on such as activities, printouts, and lesson plans geared towards building writing, reading, and comprehension. In the professional development category users can browse convention opportunities, books, as well as something referred to as “strategy guides”. These strategy guides serve as guidance for new and exciting ways to implement literature into the classroom. Some examples include preparing students for success in reading, how to creating text dependent questions, and utilizing inquiry-based learning. The community stories tab features first-hand accounts of how the ReadWriteThink site has empowered people in the in their quest for literacy enhancement. 
The main item I found refreshing on this site was a clear category for parents & afterschool resources category. Although teachers play a vital part in the development of a child’s literacy, it ultimately beings and ends at home. This tab features games, tools, printouts, podcasts, activities, and projects. What more could a parent ask for in terms of resources? In addition to a child’s time spent in school, literacy skills should be reinforced at home. This site provides fun and engaging activities to be done with their child. ReadWriteThink is an easy to navigate website that provides meaningful learning to children of all ages.  

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