Monday, December 23, 2019

Castaneto, Effective Literacy Site #1

Throughout the duration of this course I will be presenting websites that aim to enhance reading literacy, student spelling, and reading comprehension. In addition to promoting student growth, I hope to share websites that are fun, inclusive, and easy to navigate. The first website I have chosen is the Oxford Owl ( 
The Oxford Owl is a free resource that focuses on providing activities for children within the age range of three to eleven. It primarily focuses on three subject areas: English, Reading, and Math. This site provides an easy to navigate home page with tabs associated with reading, English, math, primary school, books, blogs, and kids activities. Upon further inspection of each tab there is a plethora of resources available. Although each tab is focused on a different subject area, most have book recommendations, free eBooks, videos, games, and activity sheets. Each of these resources offers children the opportunity to introduce literacy strategies as well as enhance skills already known to them. 
 One item I was really impressed with was in the math tab. In addition to the items previously listed, the math tab offered a blog and video of cooking with children. In this blog, math was used in a practical way to measure ingredients all the while still being fun and engaging. As an educator, I find real life application to be detrimental when learning skills in order to create well-rounded students.  
Overall, the Oxford Owl site is a great website to keep in your back pocket to introduce and practice literacy. It offers many different materials appropriate for elementary school children and reinforces skills with interactive games or an activity of your choosing. This site is easy to make your way around, even if you aren’t too technologically literate. Making it an ideal site for adults of any age to get involved in their loved one's education. 

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