Saturday, December 28, 2019

A Review of The Children's Book Review! - Effective Literacy Website Review #2

Founded and created by author Bianca Schulze, The Children’s Book Review is a website filled with book reviews just for children. The goal of this wonderful Internet resource is to provide parents, educators, and students information about children’s literature to help grow readers. The website was named one of the ALSC (Association For Library Service To Children) great web sites for kids. A team of teachers, editors, writers, and even web content providers help to keep information current, organized, and useful for viewers.
One of the best features of the website is that it includes reviews of many different types of children’s books. I like that most of the books are current, which speaks to young readers and sparks interest. In fact, there is a tab dedicated just for trending literature subjects that we can explore. Along with that, the site showcases authors and illustrators to spread awareness about new and upcoming writers and artists. Books can be searched based on age, subject, and type. There is even a directory that you can use to search for specific authors and illustrators.
Besides the book reviews, the website offers additional literacy perks. You can read author and illustrator reviews based on their books. In addition, there are opportunities to enter giveaway contests just by filling in online entry forms. There are also tons of pictures of the books that present great visual information.
The Children’s Book Review is a wonderful website dedicated to young readers. It offers new and trending literature information that is useful for classroom instruction. These books can build motivation and interest for students. The only thing I would say can improve is the content layout and navigation. I feel that the presentation of the books and text can be better organized on the web page for a stronger aesthetic. However, the website material is very much valuable to readers and educators who are always looking for fresh and current children’s literature.

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